Assalaam Alaikum dear brothers and sisters,
It has been a ramadaan with mixed emotions indeed. At one end we are thankful to Allah SWT for blessing us with one more year of requesting for His mercy and blessings, but yet on the other hand this year we have seen alot of distruction for our muslim brothers and sisters including our dear brothers/sisters/children in Palestine/GAZA, our dear brothers/sisters and children in Iraq as well as in Pakistan. We continue to pray for our dear brothers and sisters and hope that Allah SWT grants them relief soon. We pray that He can send assistance to help the oppressed around the world. We need our Imam ATF at this time! This world has turned into chaos for all muslims and unfortunately in alot of cases by the so called claimed muslims!
This month is a month of blessings with several important dates of incidents that have occured in this month.
- 10th Ramadaan - Death Anniversary of Lady Khadija (Wife of Prophet Mohammad PBUH&HF)
- 15th Ramadaan - Birth Anniversary of Imam Hassan (PBUH&HF)
- 19th Ramadaan - Eve of Attack on Imam Ali (PBUH&HF) coinciding with one of the possible Shab-e-Qadr nights
- 21st Ramadaan - Eve of Death Anniversary of Imam Ali (PBUH&HF) coinciding with one of the possible Shab-e-Qadr nights
- 23rd Ramadaan - one of the possible Shab-e-Qadr night
Express TV Dr Aamir Liaqat show
I found it interesting how beautifully scholars are able to state the exceptional qualities of Imam Ali (PBUH&HF) and yet how the dispute over his khilafat divides this world into shias and sunnis who are out to kill each other literally! I have come across some other videos as well from renowned Ahle Sunnat scholars that have given alot of facts that align with the shia beliefs, and yet there is this worldly debate on these topics... sad!
The unfortunate part is groups like ISIS that claim caliphate in current times and start their own so called sect of religion/regime and claim that they are muslims, are degrading the religous beliefs to the point where neither the Shia or the Sunni want to claim any association with them. If the two main sects of Islam dont want to claim any association with this group, why are they even allowed to claim themselves as an "Islamic" militant group? I wish there was a way to raise a voice and forbid them to even use the term "Islamic" as part of their name! It is nothing but disgust and Islam is misused!
On the opposite front, there are the Israelis, who since the beginning of time have had issues with muslims across centuries! Its nothing new, the hatred and animosity has always been there, and it is unfortunate that now they are displaying their emotions by killing men/women and children in the name of land, money and power. I came across a very interesting article about Israels search for Imam Mehdi ATF! Here is the link for those who might want to read through:
Why Is Israel looking for Imam Mahdi?
I hope and pray that the muslim brothers and sisters who are in oppression in this world are provided with help from Allah SWT to get out of their troubles. May He hasten the reappearance of the Imam ATF to provide peace in this world.
Please continue to pray for the oppressed:
