Thursday, December 20, 2012

A spiritual Revival with Ammar Nakshawani - Part 4

Assalaam Alaikum,

Day 3 begins with the recitation of the surah of Tabat yata and the lecture is about relationships.  Prophet's (PBUH&HF) relationship with his uncle Abu Lahab before the Prophet (PBUH&HF) announced his prophethood and after was explained in detail.

His lecture was about Silat-ur-Rehm and the importance of showing care and affection to family members. Suspicion can only be forgiven by the person who has been under suspicion!

Silat-ur-Rehm has several benefits.  Some of the benefits include:
1.  Allah SWT increases rizq.
2.  Allah removes narrowing of the grave and punishment of the grave.
3.  Lifespans may increase or decrease due to showing silat ur rehm towards someone!

Some interesting facts brought to attention were that family of several of Imam Hussains immediate family were part of Yazid's army. 
1.   Bibi Ummul Baneen was the cousin of Shimr bin Diljoshan.
2.  Bibi Laila's uncle was Muawiya and her cousin was Yazid
The reason these relationships were brought to light was because of the last moments after Imam Hussain (AS) was martyred, Yazid ordered horsemen to trampol the bodies of the martyrs and family members of varoius family members of Imam Hussian (AS) claimed their bodies and refused to let the horsement trampol the bodies.  The only body left to trampol (inauzobillah) was that of Imam Hussain (AS) since he was the only person whos maternal and paternal links were not found within members of the army of Yazid!

Overall some interesting facts and details were brought to attention in regards to showing soft-heartedness towards friends and family and how beneficial it can be over the lifetime.  Silat-ur-Rehm is highly appreciated by Allah SWT and can bring personal satisfaction over the long term, in this world and in the hereafter.


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