Wednesday, December 12, 2012

Learning During Moharram

So here I sat thinking and wondering... Moharram has started again.. actually almost ending now (transcription delay I guess)... and it is interesting how we commemorate it each year and to think of it, someone outside Shia sect of Islam would wonder what exactly is the importance of this commemoration year after year when one would think of the exact same set of events that occurred on the family of our beloved Prophet Mohammad (PBUH&HF).

So I decided to really think about it and make my mind find some answers.
In the process, I thought to myself, dont we fast year after year?  What is that for? Dont we revisit every Ramadhan and think of the hunger and thurst of the poor, we give alms and charity to help others to remove suffering and help the community?  Dont we each year think about the exact same thing?

So here is what I came up with:
  • Moharram comemoration is a mind refresher! 
    Spiritual refreshment when you hear logic, history and a combination from well reknowned speakers who present their latest research in terms of religion and reality!
  • For me personally, a time to reflect (somewhat like we do in Ramadhan)
    We think about every blessing in life we have today and yet we do not have the spiritual connection with Allah SWT.
  • It is a time to cleanse your spiritual self...We avoid music, we avoid movies, we avoid celebrations (which nowadays involve alot of non-religous acts in my humble opinion), therefore we are literally purifying our soul.. isnt that true?
  • It is time to prepare for the Imam of our time (ATF)..
    Food for thought really... think about it.  Are our actions and life really in sync with what our Imam would be pleased with?  As we give our heartfelt condolences to our Imam (ATF), do we stop to think even once if we have indeed worked to make ourselves worthy of his attention?
So to answer some questions, honestly I think it is important to commemorate the Month of Moharram and the events that happened during that time.  It is a time to learn.  There has not been one year since I have really started to understand religion, wherein I have not learned something new about our beautiful religion.

If anything, I have seen real religion versus created cultural craziness that people do with the word "religion" tagged on to it! Things get interesting when you really pay attention...

More laters,


  1. Like in ramzan we think before we speak. For example, not to hurt anyone or not to poison anyone, same with Muharrum.

    We avoid television, which is also a manipulative idiot box. We turn to ourselves like you said, so there is a lot of critical thinking involved.

    For me personally, it is like my dosage of religion. Spiritual revival as said above. Bring us back to our path. We keep hearing this again and again that in the last Ummah, it will be very difficult for momineen to keep faith. They will go to bed as faithful momineen and wake up to have lost their faith. something like that. This commemoration reminds us to hold steadfast to the ship of ahle bayt, like people did to Noah's ark.

    I am glad this is a topic finally picked by someone, because recently someone was telling me, and I somewhat saw his point of view, that Muharrum is coming again, there will be a lot of grievances for those who are not shia or share our mindset (because a lot of non-shias do). He was going on and on about how the juloos are just a nonsensical way of doing nothing, and roads will be blocked and they will be stuck in their houses. Another blog should be on Matam, Azadari, and Juloos. The thought behind them etc etc.

    P.S. He also thought it was a useless thing to do because their mourning lasts for a few days and we mourn every year for the Ahle Bayt a.s.

  2. Wonderfully said sister.. inshAllah will post some information on Matam, Azadari and Juloos... there is alot of interesting information for discussion out there.. inshAllah we will provide you with enough words to be able to explain around you.

    Be patient with the message of Imam Hussain (AS) and inshAllah Allah will guide them...
